Sunday, August 7, 2011

I'm not a peakbagger.

I recently began writing in a journal when out in the mountains. I was drawn to how clear my mind can be when a single goal has been laid out, and once at the summit, achieved. Many trips I would have excellent thoughts circulating around as I ground my way up towards the top of the world. Once I began carrying a journal I began to recount the events of the trip in much better detail than I could reproduce back at home with the distractions of email, laundry, life, etc. I haven't, at this time, recorded that unaltered stream of consciousness that occurs sometimes while climbing. I think that ought to stay where it is.

It occurred to me, however, that it would be great to have a searchable and shareable collection of stories from climbing not only to jog my memory, but also to encourage others to seek out the mountains- be it the ones I'm privileged to live near and explore, or similar ones around the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been writing in my journals for a year now. It's a great way to record your journeys. It's also a good idea to pass it on.